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(1) Table Of Contents

Introduction to TubeCreators YouTube Automation Guide

(2) Success With YouTube
  • 2.1 Our Results
  • 2.2 Quotes for success
  • 2.3 Motivation for success
  • 2.4 Mindset
  • 2.5 YouTube Automation Booklist
(3) Important General YouTube Automation Information
  • 3.1 What is YouTube Automation?
  • 3.2 How does YouTube Automation work?
  • 3.3 How do you earn money?
  • 3.4 YouTube Terminology List - MUST SEE
  • 3.5 What is CTR And Why Is It So Important?
  • 3.6 What Is AVD And Why Is It So Important?
  • 3.7 What are CPM and RPM and Why Are They So Important?
  • 3.7.1 What influences the RPM/CPM?
  • 3.7.2 How to increase YouTube CPM/RPM rates?
  • 3.8 How does the YouTube Algorithm work?
  • 3.9 How To Go Viral?
  • 3.10 $50.000 Dollar MISTAKES - What NOT To Do
  • 3.11 Viewers
  • 3.12 Video formats
  • 3.12.1 News videos
  • 3.12.2 Documentary videos
  • 3.12.3 Compilation videos
  • 3.12.4 Text-over-interview videos
  • 3.12.5 Animations/whiteboard
  • 3.13 Tools for your YouTube journey
(4) Niche Research
  • 4.1 What is a good niche?
  • 4.2 How to find a good niche
  • 4.3 NexLev Niche Software
  • 4.4 Biggest Mistakes To Avoid With Niche Research
  • 4.5 Determining Target Audience
  • 4.6 Importance of CPM/RPM
  • 4.7 Test CPM/RPM with a pre-monetized channel
  • 4.8 YouTube Channel Case Studies
(5) Titles - How To Make Perfect Titles?
  • 5.1 How to find topics
  • 5.2 Use Emotion Words
  • 5.3 How To Structure Your Titles? (Verb, Subject, etc)
  • 5.4 What Are Keywords?
  • 5.5 How To Use Keywords In Your Title?
  • 5.6 Topic Case Studies
(6) Scripts - How To Get Perfect Written Scripts
  • 6.1 Storytelling Techniques
  • 6.1.1 - Three-Act Structure
  • 6.1.2 - Hero’s Journey
  • 6.1.3 - In Medias Res Storytelling
  • 6.1.4 - Non-Linear Narrative
  • 6.1.5 - Show Don’t Tell Storytelling
  • 6.2 Understanding Human Emotions For Scriptwriting
  • 6.3 Importance Of Using Conjunctions
  • 6.4 AVOID THIS AT ALL COSTS (General script writing instructions)
  • 6.5 Writing Your Own Scripts
  • 6.6 Software To Use For Scriptwriting
  • 6.7 Providing Feedback To The Scriptwriter
  • 6.8 Fill Out Scriptwriting Branding Document
(7) Voice-Over - How To Get The Best Voice-Over
  • 7.1 Different Tonalities In Voice Overs
  • 7.2 How To Improve Your Voice-over
  • 7.3 How To Give Voice-Over Directions
  • 7.5 Providing Feedback To The Voice-Over
(8) Video Edit - How To Make The Best Videos
  • 8.1 Different Editing Effects Explained
  • 8.1.1 Transitions
  • 8.1.2 Color correction
  • 8.1.3 Visual effects
  • 8.2 AVOID THESE At All CostS
  • 8.3 Focus Points Introduction (first 30 seconds)
  • 8.4 Focus Points Middle Part (00:30 - 30 seconds before the end of your video0
  • 8.5 Focus Points End (Last 30 seconds of your video)
  • 8.6 Understanding Human Emotions For Maximum Impact
  • 8.7 How To Get 50%+ AVD Videos
  • 8.8 Different Levels In Editing
  • 8.9 Providing Feedback To The Video EditoR
  • 8.10 Fill Out Video Editing Branding Document
(9) Thumbnails - How To Get The Best Made Thumbnails
  • 9.1 Developing The Perfect Thumbnail Strategy
  • 9.2 Contrasting Colors - MUST UNDERSTAND
  • 9.3 Contrasting Situations/Scenarios - MUST UNDERSTAND
  • 9.5 Understanding Human Behavior
  • 9.6 How To Make Great Thumbnails
  • 9.7 Bad Clickbait Vs Good Clickbait
  • 9.8 Providing Feedback To Your Thumbnail Artist
  • 9.9 Fill Out Thumbnail Document
  • 9.10 Thumbnail Case Studies
(10) Finding Freelancers/Teams
  • 10.1 TubeCreators Team
  • 10.2 Finding freelancers on platforms
  • 10.3 Scriptwriter Template
  • 10.4 Voice Over Template
  • 10.5 Video Editor Template
  • 10.6 Thumbnail Artist Template
  • 10.7 Teams Template
  • 10.8 Template to retract freelancer from platform
  • 10.9 General Team Guidelines Template
(12) Subscribers/Likes and Watch Hours
  • 12.1 How To Get More Subscribers?
  • 12.2 How To Get More Likes
  • 12.3 How To Increase Your Watch Hours
(13) Pre-Monetized Channels VS 0-Subs Channels
  • 13.1 Advantages vs Disadvantages Pre-Monetized Channels
  • 13.2 Advantages vs Disadvantages 0-Subs Channels
(14) Secret Tips
  • 14.1 Uploading On Multiple Channels
  • 14.2 How To Scale Up?
  • 14.3 When To Stop Your Channel?
  • 14.4 Video Translation
  • 14.5  Use Shorts To Boost Your Channel
(15) Sell Your Channel - TIPS
  • 15.1 Calculation for Value (Excel Document)
  • 15.2 Platforms To Sell Your Channel (Advantages + Disadvantages)
  • 15.3 Channel Sale Listing Description
  • 15.4 Channel Sale Contract
(16) Making Money Of Your YouTube Channel
  • 16.1 Advertisements Google Adsense
  • 16.2 Affiliate Marketing
  • 16.3 Patreon
  • 16.4 YouTube Supers/Memberships
(11) IMPORTANT Freelancers/Teams Documents
  • 11.1 Contract Script Writing
  • 11.2 Contract Voice Over
  • 11.3 Contract Video Editing
  • 11.4 Contract Thumbnails
  • 11.5 Contract Teams
(17) Sponsorships
  • 17.1 Sponsorships
  • 17.2 Email Script
  • 17.3 Call Script
  • 17.4 Counterarguments
  • 17.5 General sales manual (for freelancers)
(18) Solving YouTube Problems
  • 18.1 Copyright Claim
  • 18.2 Strikes
  • 18.3 Limited Ads
(19) Financial Documents + Vital Youtube Formulas
  • 19.1 Keeping Track Of Revenue
  • 19.2 Keeping Track Of Costs
  • 19.3 Calculating Break Even Point
  • 19.4 Calculating Views Per Subscriber
  • 19.5 Calculating Views Per Like
  • 19.6 Calculating Amount Of Subscribers Needed For For Achieving Watch Hours
  • 19.7 Calculating Amount Of Views Needed For Achieving 1000 Subscribers
  • 19.8 Calculating Amount Of Views Needed For Achieving Watch Hours
  • 19.9 Calculating Profit Margin
(20) Google Adsense
  • 20.1 What is Google Adsense?
  • 20.1.1 How does Adsense work?
  • 20.2 Google Adsense Strategy
  • 20.3 Connecting Google Adsense Account to YouTube Account
  • 20.4  How to fill in Google Adsense Form
  • 20.4.1 US Resident
  • 20.4.2 Non-US Resident
  • 20.5 Using an MCN (Multi-Channel Network)
(21) AI For YouTube
  • 21.1 AI For Title Generation
  • 21.2 AI For Scriptwriting
  • 21.3 AI For Voice Over
  • 21.4 AI For Video Editing
  • 21.5 AI For Thumbnails
  • 21.6 Chat-GPT Prompts
  • 21.7 List Of AI Tools For YouTube
(22) Important cultural documents
  • 22.1 Description American Work Culture
  • 22.2 Description Bangladesh Work Culture
  • 22.3 Description Brazilian Work Culture
  • 22.4 Description Dutch Work Culture
  • 22.5 Description of Egyptian Work Culture
  • 22.6 Description Indian Work Culture
  • 22.7 Description Indonesian Work Culture
  • 22.8 Description Pakistani Work Culture
  • 22.9 Description Philippine Work Culture

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What is YouTube Automation?

YouTube Automation is when you run 1 or more YouTube channels without showing your face on camera. The goal is to produce an educative or entertainment video, where you outsource video production to low-cost countries.

How much time will this cost me?

When you fully outsource your video production, it will only cost you 2-3 hours per week. However, if you decide to produce the video yourself, it will cost you on average up to 30-40 hours to make a single video.

How much money do I need to start? 

YouTube Automation is free to start with, BUT we advise you to buy a course to learn all the tricks to become successful. We see that the failure rate without a course is almost 99%. With the purchase of the course, you would need around $1000 to start and an additional $1000 to have 15-20 videos produced

In total, you would need around $2000 to start with YouTube automation in the way we recommend.

How fast will I see results? 

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You have to put in effort and consistently learn. Some students succeed in the first month, while for others it took 6 months.

However, when you implement our strategies and follow our advice, you will find success at a much faster rate than with any other course out there. 

How do I earn money?

You will earn most of the money from advertisements shown on your videos. On average, YouTube will pay you around $4-$7 per 1,000 views. The difference depends on what target audience you are targeting with your videos. Besides advertisements, you can make money from sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and through Patreon and Buy Me A Coffee

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